Hey! Rose here, and I am 'not' happy. Oh, by the way, it's now my job to update the family album. My mom thinks I have tons of free time now that I've graduated. Anyway, let me explain - my mom is driving me crazy!

It started benignly enough.
"So what are your plans for the future, Sweetie?"
"Well, I've been really stressed out from keeping up with school, and my job at the bookstore. And the chess tournament I've been competing in has me on edge constantly. I think I need a break from it all. What I really want to do is travel."

Mom frowned at that. "You know we can't afford to send you abroad, Rosie. I was hoping you might find a nice boy to settle down with.. one of the nice young men who just graduated with you maybe?"

I blew up then. I'm not sure if it's all the pent up stress from school and the tournament or what, but I have had such a short fuse lately.
"We've been all over this before! There is not one boy from my class I would want to even date, let alone marry! They are all a bunch of losers! Just leave it alone already!"

Seeing she wasn't getting anywhere on that front, mom moved on to her next favorite subject. "If you don't want to get married, maybe you should learn to garden. You know I can always use the help, and ..."
I interupted her. " Why can't you accept that I am different than you? I want to expand my mind, see new places, not be stuck doing one thing all my life!"

Mom looked really hurt then. "Calm down Rosie. I'm sorry you think I am trying to dictate your choices. I was only trying to help. Of course your decisions are your own to make. Just remember that financing your dreams needs to be up to you as well."

"So if I can figure out a way to pay for it, I have your blessing to see the world?" I was sorry now for yelling. I realized that never once during our argument had my mom yelled back.
"Of course, Rosie dear. But for now I could really use your help. It's Rayne's birthday in a few days, and he wants a huge party."

I threw myself into the preparations for Rayne's party. My mom says the secret to a successful party is lots of good food, all made with perfect home-grown ingredients.

I am a little miffed at Raven and Ronda; they are not helping with the preparations at all. They spend most of their time off in their room, which used to be my room, I might add. Since Ronda moved in, I've had to share with Rayne. Mom says to leave them be, they need their privacy if she is have any grandchildren. I just rolled my eyes.

It's party time! While everyone rushed around with last minute tasks, Ronda sat on the sofa and watched TV. Mom called in favors from her friends - Heather brought a salad.

And Aunt Doreen contributed ratatouie.

"Make a wish, Rayne!" Raven cheered him on.

My little brother looks so adorable blowing out his candles.

He certainly is pleased about growing up! It always seemed like such serious business for me; with a new birthday comes new responsibilities. But I guess not everyone feels that way.

I think Rayne is starting to look alot like daddy.

The cake is delicious, but Ronda didn't want any." I'm not feeling well, I'll just have salad."

Suddenly she jumped up from the table and raced to the bathroom.

I thought she was just trying to grab attention, like that fainting bit at her wedding. But it seems she really is sick. I wonder why my mom looks so pleased?

I found out very quickly. Ronda surprised everyone by announcing that she and Raven are expecting. The guests were all thrilled, but I think she should have waited till after the party. After all, this was supposed to be Rayne's day!

Rayne doesn't seem to mind. As soon as he finished his cake, he was back at his easel, party or no. "I have to paint when the inspiration hits, or I might lose it."

The only thing that pulled him away from his painting was his birthday present. Mom and dad got him a guitar! He amazed everyone at the party by picking up his new instrument and strumming away like a pro! My little brother sure has talent.

I'm so excited! I am on my way to France!
Today I was delivering produce to the Bistro, as favor to my mom, when the owner stopped me. "Hey, aren't you the photographer who took the robbery pictures that were in the paper last year?"
"Yes, did you like them?"
"You show a real talent. I'd like you to take some photos for me, I need to update the decor in my restaurant."
"Of course, what theme would you like?"
"I'd like to redo my place in a French theme, can you do it?"
My face fell. "I would love to, but I can't afford the trip to France."
"Oh, don't worry about that, we will cover all your expenses."

I practically ran to the bookstore; I had been waiting for this moment a long time.
"I need some time off from work, I am going to France for six weeks!"
"I'm sorry Rose, we can't hold your position open that long." My boss was not happy.
I was not about to lose my chance at going to France for a boring bookstore job.
"I will have to quit then."

I raced home, packed my things, and hugged and kissed everyone except Ronda.

I am off to the airport. I am so excited! I would never admit this to anyone, but I'm a little nervous as well - this is the first time I've been on my own.
Such a well written story! I'll add you to my blogroll :)
ReplyDeleteRose looks a lot like Sunny, can't wait to see her adventures in France.
Oh and you probably already know this but in case you don't, if you do CRT-ALT-C and type hideheadlineeffects on it will make plumbobs, speech bubbles and skill bars disappear :)
I didn't know that, thanks so much :) This is the first story I've written, and it took me until chapter 6 just to figure out how to take good screenshots.