James is working such long hours, most days he gets home long after the sun goes down. But he still finds time to help out with little Olivia. It seemed like the days just flew by, and it was time for Olivia's birthday. Mom insisted on throwing a huge party, even though I reminded her about Lara and Link's problems with crowds.
"I'm getting on in years, Margi, and this might be the last chance I get."
It was the day of the party, and the guests had already started to arrive. Mom had set up the cake down in the new nectar cellar. She was just ready to show off our new addition to everyone, when suddenly she started to fade.
The birthday party immediately turned into a funeral, as everyone mourned mom's passing.
Even Olivia looked about to cry, and her cake went mostly untouched.
Lara and Link grew to be teenagers in the weeks that followed, and of course they wanted no party, which was totally fine with me. Lara inherited her daddy's artistic streak, but she is too much of a daredevil to have an interest in an art career. She wants to join the police force, and has dreams of becoming a international super spy.
Link spends all his spare time out by the pond, practicing with grandpa's board breaker. He has enrolled in the ROTC at school, and hopes to join the military when he graduates.
Things have gotten so difficult for me since mom's been gone. I never realized how much she did around here. James works such long hours sometimes I feel like a single mom. Papa is no help at all since he lost mom. His absent-mindedness has gotten even worse, and he'll spend hours staring off into space. I even have to remind him to eat. And I'm expecting again.
So one day I simply lost it. There were stacks of dirty dishes on the counter, and piles of laundry in the living room. Link was out playing with his board breaker, and I didn't even know where Lara was. Probably tearing around somewhere on that motorcycle of hers. And Lily was yelling at her pencil instead of doing her homework. Suddenly Olivia gave her bowl of baby food a shove, and "Splat" it was all over me, the floor, the wall, you name it. What a mess. That was the last straw.
You remember I had a little panic attack when James asked me to marry him. Well, this was a huge panic attack. The walls were closing in, and I couldn't breathe.

And the ghosts that live under the house were back in my head. I can usually keep them out, but today they were loud.
"Help us... we're trapped.... heeeelllp...it's dark in heeerrrree...heeelllpppp...."
"Go away! I can't help you! I can't even find you."
"Noooo.... pleaseee.... find ussss.... heelllp usss...."
I must have been yelling, because papa had snapped out of his reverie, and was gently shaking me.
"Margi, Margi, sweetie, it's okay,calm down."
I started to sniffle. "It's the ghosts, Papa, they need help. They won't leave me alone."
He just sighed at me, and called James.
James never comes home from work in the middle of the day. I don't know what Papa told him but he was home in 5 minutes. I was still in panic mode.
"I'm going to run away! I can't do this any more!"
Margi, baby, hold on. Listen to me. Everything will be alright, you'll see. You have to trust me. Can you do that?"
I nodded through my tears.
"Okay, good. Now listen, I've decided to take an early retirement. I think I have a good enough reputation to make a decent living writing design books. That way I can be home all day to help out. And besides, your dad really needs help with the nectary. He just isn't up to doing the work himself any more."
"Now I want you to take it easy from now until the baby comes. Don't worry about anything, I'll take care of everything. Will you do that for me?"
"I love you so much James."
"I love you too baby. I'm so sorry for taking you for granted. It will never happen again, I promise."
When he said he would take charge,he really meant it.
"Lara, it's your turn for dishes."
"Aw dad.." But from then on the dishes got done every night.
He went down to the Science Facility and enrolled Lily in their gardening program, and then helped her get her homework done.
"Good job, Lily! How is school?"
"Great, daddy. We learned to grow peppers today!
I've never seen Lily so happy. She loves being outdoors, and now she can be outdoors all day at school, too.
James even asked Papa to teach her to use the nectar maker, and she seems a natural at it.
And with our huge family, there is always laundry to do.
I went into labor early, and I could tell right away that we weren't going to make it to the hospital. The contractions were really close right from the start.
So our last baby was born right here at home. At least I think it will be the last. Welcome, little Lance!
Thanks for linking me on your blog :D