Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Far, far away from any civilization, somewhere in the vastness of an idyllic tropical ocean, there is an island. Once home to a thriving community of magical denizens, the island now stands almost empty, most of the small bungalow homes fallen into sad disrepair, and the rising sea once again claiming its own.

Moonflower's spells alone now keep the water at bay, and barely leave her magic enough to conjure food for the remaining island folk. She is the last in a long line of powerful witches who once ruled and protected the island, and she fears for the fate of her home. For you see, her magic is fading. Every day the waters creep closer, and every day the fruits she conjures are poorer quality. No children have been born for a very long time, and the inhabitants of the island have shrunk in number to just seven. First, of course, there is Moonflower.

Then there are the fairy folk, Marten and Fawn. Moonflower considers them mostly useless; they use their magical energy to flit and fly here and there, never a thought as to what they will eat, and where they will sleep. Still, they are her responsibility, and she worries at how thin they have become.

Zephyr and Summerwind, the  D'jinn, are a more helpful pair, but the fading magic has affected them as well.

And lastly, there are the wolves, Lupa and Ulric, who once kept to their caves in the center of the island, but lately have been venturing out onto the beaches, looking for food.

Moonflower is afraid of their growing boldness, and what it will mean for the others under her protection, if they should find themselves hungry enough.

And so she spends every spare moment poring over her ancient spell books, searching for something, anything, that could restore her fading magic.


  1. Oooh, this sounds intriguing! I like!

  2. Can't wait to see where you go with this!

  3. I have just followed your blog and it seems as if it was at a good time. I am very intrigued with what this prologue has shown. Excited to read more.


  4. this is going to be an interesting story, i can't wait to read the rest!
