Sunday, July 10, 2011

Oleander - Gen 7 Ch 8

I could hardly wait to hear Zhan's news.
"You aren't going to believe what I discovered in China, Andee. I better start at the beginning."
I was all ears.

"My first stop was the relic shop to meet my contact."
'The relic merchant is your contact? He was sure unhelpful when I tried to get that excavation permit."
Yeah, well - he has to put on a good show. After all, he lives there, you know."
"True I guess."

"Anyway, he gave me the drop point for my assignment instructions - a cleverly hidden hole right behind his shop. I was to meet a girl in the catacombs beneath the market. She supposedly had some information for me."

"But when I found her, she was in no condition to give me any information."
"Was she... dead?" I was wide-eyed with concern.
"At first I thought she was."

"The torchlight was throwing the strangest shadows, and I thought sure whoever had done this was still hiding, so I was ready for a fight."
"Eek! Did you find them?"

"No, whoever had done it was long gone. I turned my attention to the girl; she was starting to come around, groaning and holding her head."

"She insisted she was alright, but she only managed to mumble something about 'the ruins on the mountain' before grabbing her head again."

"I ran to fetch my contact, and after making sure she was alright, and would be taken care of, I rushed off to check out the lead she had given me."

"When I arrived at the mountain top ruin, I noticed immediately that someone was digging there without a permit. He looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place him."

"As soon as he saw me watching him, he took off running, leaving all his equipment behind.  My job at this point was observation only, so I snapped a quick picture as he ran, and let him go. I was pretty sure he hadn't managed to snag any relics."
"Ohhh...that makes me mad... digging on my mountain top? I hope he got caught!"
"Don't worry, the SIA is watching him. At this point I had to casually check out the rest of the visitors to the site."

"One of them turned out to be not a visitor at all, but a story teller who specialized in stories of the ruins.Pretending to be a visitor like the rest, I sat down to hear his tale. You should have heard it, Andee. His descriptions were so vivid I could almost see the gargoyles hovering in the air!
But that's not the best part. You see, as he talked, I began to realize that his story seemed very familiar. Parts were slightly different, and a lot more fleshed out, but bit and pieces of it was the story of my ancestors."

"After he finished, I had to find out more. He confirmed to me that the mountain top had once been inhabited by a tribe of green-haired Luoli."
"Luoli? What is that?"
"They were ancient Chinese gypsies. They disappeared from there maybe a thousand years ago. No one knows where they went. After they left, one of the local girls discovered she was pregnant - the green-haired baby that was born would become my many-times great grandfather."

"Zhan! that's amazing! I wonder if they were the same gypsies that settled in France! I bet that's where they went! I suppose there is no way to prove it though. If only we could get permission to investigate the mountain top ruins."
At this, a huge grin spread across Zhan's face. He paused so long I could hardly stand the suspense.
"What! What?  Tell me!"
"Well, I don't have it yet. But the SIA wants to keep an eye on that site - find out what that poacher found so interesting there. And they are going to arrange a permit for me to investigate it personally as soon as it can be arranged."
"EEEEeeee!" I'm sure all the neighbors wondered what all the screaming was about, but I was too excited to care. "But not till after the baby comes - I wanna come with you... please???"
Zhan wasn't too sure his boss would let me come, but he promised he would try.

In any case, little Lotus arrived long before we heard anything about the permit. And such a sweet little girl she is. Zhan says she shares her name with an ancient Luoli princess. Born right here at home, just like the first two.

The night she was born, Song went to play at his friend Jennie's. As you can imagine, I was a little distracted at the time, but still. I should have remembered Song's birthday.

I felt bad for not being there, but as Zhan said when he comforted me about it later, at least he got to share his special day with his best friend.

Happy Birthday, Song!

Sweet little Lotus enchants us all, but she especially has Song wrapped about her little baby finger. When he's home, and she's awake, they can almost always be found together.

Zhan has tried his best to involve Song in sports, but he simply has no interest.
 He used to spend his time in front of the TV, but lately he's been spending his spare time out in the sandbox, running his fingers through the sand and staring off into space. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in that head of his?

Of course Daffodil loves it when Song hangs out in the sandbox with her.
"Look at my castle! I bet you can't make one this good!"
"Haha, I bet you're right Dilly. You're the best castle maker I know!"

'Hey! Big Bro! Come play tag with me!"
"Haha! And have you catch me the first time I trip over my own feet? I'll just watch you ride."

And so time flew by. Lotus' birthday came and went, and now it was my turn. I stared at my cake with all those candles, and worried. I wasn't sure I was ready to grow into middle age.

Hmm... that wasn't too bad. I don't think I look that much older. Or do I? Maybe I should start working out? Or maybe I need a job. Zhan interrupted my musing with a gesture.
"Come see your present, love. Okay, now close your eyes and take my hand."
He led me through the gate out into the yard.

I gasped in awe as I opened my eyes.
"Oh, Zhan... it's gorgeous! My own Scholar's Garden, right here in our yard!"
"Your very own meditation spot. Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it!"

I threw my arms around him, and closed my eyes, just listening to the water murmuring happily as it slipped over the sides of my new fountain, and the koi splashing in their tiny pond.
"Thank you so much. I love you Zhan."
"I love you too Andee. Happy Birthday."
I sighed contently, but he was not finished. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thick envelope. "One more thing. How'd you like to do some digging in China with me?"


  1. <3 Love Andee. Glad you didn't make us wait too long to find out what Zhan's secret was. I just adore the story you tell. The planning must be a killer!

  2. Thanks :D I don't really plan most of my shots. I don't use a poser or animator or anything. I know what the general plot line is going to be but the specifics are always a surprise.. the passed out girl, the guy digging on the mountain, the story teller - they were all random autonomous events that I wrote into the story :D

  3. Aw I'm glad it was good news :3

    Zhan & Andee are so cute together <3
