Then one day I stopped by the gym to .. err.. I'm embarrassed to say this... take a shower. I usually tried to make my visits at off hours; I didn't want people to know I couldn't even afford a shower. But today, even though it was still early, I heard voices upstairs in the workout room. I went to investigate, but there was only one person there, and he was.. shall I say... hot. "Hello!" I greeted him. I thought I heard talking. Where is everyone?"
He grinned at me mischieviously, "Nope, just me here. He held out his hand. "I'm Max!" I grinned back. "I'm Sunny. You are sure an early bird, you must love to work out." For a second I thought it was odd that he was working out in his swim trunks, but after all, there was a pool downstairs. I secretly admired his physique. He was suddenly shy, looking down at his feet. Well, err, I have to work out when I can, so I can help out on our family farm.
"Oh?" I said excitedly. " I love gardening!" At that, we struck up a long animated conversation, and were fast friends in no time. Then he said he had to go, his dad was expecting him. "Where do you live" I asked. "Could I come visit your farm?"
"Sure!" he anwered with that awesome smile of his. "Its the McDermott Place. Just ask anyone, they can direct you."

Max McDermott?? I was dumbfounded. Why had my best friend Ginny never introduced me to her ... what.. cousin? brother? .. son? I knew I had to talk to her about it, so the next day I headed over to "the McDermott Place" as Max had called it.
Ginny and I sat down over coffee, and she started, " I guess I have some explaining to do. Yes, Max is my son. Oh don't look so surprised, and yes, I am that much older than you! Max is a very sweet and kind boy, as you have discovered." I thought to myself that he wasn't a boy, he was a very handsome man, but I didn't interupt. I guess mothers never stop thinking of their sons as boys.
Ginny continued, " but he has never been quite right. He likes to talk to himself, and he is always coming up with the craziest stories that he insists are real. I don't know if he could make it out there." Ginny waved her hand in the general direction of the town. " So he stays here and helps Luke and me out with the farm. I think that is best for him."
I nodded soberly, and resigned myself to being "just friends" with Max, as Ginny wished. I continued to visit Ginny regularly, and sometimes Max was there too, but usually he was out somewhere fishing. He loved to fish, and was really good at it. He always greeted me with that heartwarming smile of his, and after a while he started to tell me some of his stories. They were kind of crazy, but then what would people say if I told them a pendant had directed me to spend all my money on an overgrown field?

As the weeks passed, I began thinking more and more of Max, and how sweet and kind he was, and how much he would like my garden. One evening I could stand it no longer, and called him to invite him over. He loved my garden! He thought it was a wonderful idea to sleep outside! He wondered why no one else had thought of it. He checked out all my plants and declared them "beautiful". Then he took my hands and whispered shyly, " And you are beautiful. You have such pretty hair." My heart melted at that and I gazed into his eyes. He leaned over and planted a shy kiss on my face. " I like you so much, Sunny. I know I'm sorta crazy, and my mom thinks I can't make it on my own, but she's wrong. I could make it if you were with me. Will you be my girlfriend Sunny?"
I was so overwhelmed I could only nod, then I hugged him tight. " Oh Max, you make me so happy. It's getting so late, please stay with me tonight."

The next morning I made salad for breakfast. I wanted to show off my new fridge and counter. I apologized for not having a chair, but Max just winked at me and said that the toilet worked just fine for sitting. He didn't seem to mind my tiny lean-to bathroom either. He thought it was funny to pee and shower outside.

Well, we both went to talk to Ginny, and I was so relieved she was not upset. "I think you may be right my dears," she exclaimed. "If anyone can put up with Max, it's you, sweetheart. Now take good care of him for me, will you? And here is little something for both of you - now at least build yourselves a real bathroom."

One day not too long after Max moved in, he woke up with an excited glint in his eye. "Let's hurry with the garden today, I want to show you something."

We spent a wonderful afternoon there. As the sun went down we grilled veggies for dinner.

We cuddled and made out on the park bench. Max seemed to have something to say but was having trouble getting it out. "Ah... Sunny, you know I love you more than anything. You are the best friend I've ever had. Ah.. you have such pretty hair.." He turned suddenly shy, and just handed me the small box he had dragged out of his pocket.

I love that bed in the garden! Glowing pendant? Interesting...
ReplyDeleteNice wedding. Don pops up everywhere doesn't he? LOL!