I was born in Sim City, and grew up in a tiny apartment at the top of a highrise. I was always facinated with plants and growing things, but there was no place for that kind of thing in a highrise; and ever since I can remember, I have been teased unmercifully because of my unusual hair. As soon as I turned 18, I was determined to leave. Surely there had to be people like me somewhere out there! And I was going to find them.
So the day after my birthday, I packed my things, and said goodbye to my mom. As I was about to leave, she handed me a small box/
"Open it!" she exclaimed. Inside was an exquisite pendant - translucent amber, with a tiny flower embedded inside. It looked very old. I looked quizzically at my mom. "It belonged to your great-grandmother. You were named after her, you know. It has been passed down for generations in our family, and now it is yours. Maybe it will lead you to what you seek. And here is a little birthday gift to help you on your way. She pressed a wad of simoleons into my hand, and then I was off.
And so I ended up here is Riverview. This place is so beautiful, and when I close my eyes, I can just imagine the forest that grew here hundreds of years ago. This spot feels old... like my pendant...
First things first - I needed a place to sleep, so I bought a bed with the few simoleons left from my real estate purchase. The delivery man looked at me strangely when he asked me where I wanted it set up, and I pointed to a flowery spot on the grass. How do you like the ivy? I did that part myself! Mmmm... so nice to wake up in the morning surrounded by nature.
I found a public garden! I could hardly believe my luck, but there it was. At first I wasn't sure it was okay to pick the apples, but the caretaker assured me it was fine - the garden belonged to the whole town. I quickly filled my pockets with apples, and decided to return later - with a basket.
Later that evening, after a meal of apples and tomatoes from the public garen, I stopped by the art museum to check it out. "Oops, excuse me!" I murmured as I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Hey there, my name's Larry." Larry was charming, and we talked for a long time. He winked at me, and being the hopeless romantic that I was, I flirted right back. He seemed nice so I gave him my cell number, and he promised to call me.
The days flew by, my garden was growing nicely, but no call from Larry. I kept busy though, and I'm sure the librarian at the public library cringed every time she say me coming, as I pestered her for more books on gardening techniques. Someday I hope to grow a perfect garden.
This is Odin Crosby. I met him at the library while I was researching gardening techniques. We got along famously. He said I should come over and meet his wife Heather, he was sure we would end up being best friends. And he was right! Heather likes the outdoors and gardening as much as I do.

And this is my friend Ginny. The librarian sent me out here to the Mc DerMott farm after I pestered her one to many times. Ginny is a veritable encyclopedia of gardening knowledge, and we hit it off immediately.
Oh my! Look who I ran into today at the public garden. "Larry! I didn't know you liked gardens." He just smiled and winked, and one thing led to another...

I invited him back to my .. um.. field, and we took up where we had left off earlier.

"Come here, Sugar," he whispered in my ear.
I couldn't resist his seductive ways. I was in love, and the hopeless romantic in me hoped this was the real thing.
The next morning I woke up late, only to see Larry was already awake. He was standing out by the street with the most evil look on his face.
Then he delibrately kicked over my trash can! "Larry?" I called out. "What's wrong?" He turned quickly when he heard me, his face smoothing out immediately into a smile.
"Nothing, Sunny, just a little headache. I think I better be going." He rubbed his forehead dramaticly, then hopped in a cab and was gone. I bit my lip, worried that I had made a mistake.. But later that day I got a call from Larry apologizing for his bad behavior. He could be so charming. I forgave him and he said he'd call again soon so we could hang out.
The days passed, and I fell into a routine. I spent a lot of time with my friend Ginny at her farm. I told her about Larry, but she would only say he was a sleazy politician, and she didn't like politicians. I talk to Larry alot on the phone, but he is always busy down at City Hall, and I haven't seen him for weeks.

My friend Heather is pregnant! I am so jealous. I am thinking maybe me and Larry... But he has never said anything about wanting children. Sigh....I would love to have a wonderful husband like Heather's Odin, and a little one, but will I ever find someone to settle down with? Just then my phone rang. It was Larry!
I was so happy to see him. I tried to give him a hug, but he pushed me away. "Something came up, I'm busy, go on home."
I was devestated! Crushing memories of my childhood came flooding back. I burst into tears and cried, "You can't talk to me like that, we are through!"
I rushed straight over to Ginny's and poured out my disappointed and humiliation. She patted my shoulder, and consoled me.

And this is my friend Ginny. The librarian sent me out here to the Mc DerMott farm after I pestered her one to many times. Ginny is a veritable encyclopedia of gardening knowledge, and we hit it off immediately.

I invited him back to my .. um.. field, and we took up where we had left off earlier.

"Come here, Sugar," he whispered in my ear.

"Nothing, Sunny, just a little headache. I think I better be going." He rubbed his forehead dramaticly, then hopped in a cab and was gone. I bit my lip, worried that I had made a mistake.. But later that day I got a call from Larry apologizing for his bad behavior. He could be so charming. I forgave him and he said he'd call again soon so we could hang out.

My friend Heather is pregnant! I am so jealous. I am thinking maybe me and Larry... But he has never said anything about wanting children. Sigh....I would love to have a wonderful husband like Heather's Odin, and a little one, but will I ever find someone to settle down with? Just then my phone rang. It was Larry!
"Hey doll, you wanna hang out?" I said I'd be over at his place in a few minutes. But when I got there his roommate answered the door. "Nope, He left a few minutes ago, headed to the art museum I think."
That was odd, I'm sure he said to meet him at his place. At any rate, I headed over to the museum.
I was so happy to see him. I tried to give him a hug, but he pushed me away. "Something came up, I'm busy, go on home."
"But, Larry.."
"I said, go home!" His face transformed into a scowl. "Can't you see I'm busy, you green-haired freak?"
I was devestated! Crushing memories of my childhood came flooding back. I burst into tears and cried, "You can't talk to me like that, we are through!"

"He's no good, Sunny. You can do better than that. When you told him your address he most likely thought you were rich - your garden is in the wealthy part of town. I think he was only after the money he thought you had."
I had to admit she was probably right. "I'm destined to be alone forever," I mourned.
"Now now, Sunny," Ginny comforted, "the right guy is out there somewhere, you'll find him."
If you notice some views, it's just me!
ReplyDeleteGlad I decided to check this out.
Awww poor Sunny! At least she's got Ginny :)
Saw this on Abby's blog and had to check it out. Glad I did! :D
ReplyDeleteJust started reading ^_^ oh boy do I have alot of catching up to do! but I love it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting on my story. I have just started reading yours. I have quite a ways to go, but you have an interesting story! So it shouldnt be too hard ;)
ReplyDeleteAt first I was like oh Larry stop being silly, but by the end he is just a jerk!
ReplyDeleteGreen hair has never looked so pretty.
Great start, i'm interested :)
ReplyDeleteI'm loving the story so far! :)