Max and I are so happy. Another baby is on the way! Oh, Max's commander was so thrilled about the new training techniques he gave Max a raise! We brought home a wooden pole contraption, and a board breaker, which the military was only to happy to mass reproduce for troop training.

Max was promoted again, this time to something called "wingman." I'm not sure what it all involves but I know Max has to learn to fly a fighter jet. He is not sure about this at all. He's talking about wanting to quit! He doesn't think he can learn to fly a plane. For now I've convinced him to stick with it. "I'm sure you can do it, Max. You've done great so far at everything they've thrown at you. Just give it a try." He looked dubious, but agreed to stay with it.

Another home birth, and adorable baby Rose joined the family.

Max is so good with babies. I love to watch him care for our little ones. He thinks the world of little Rose.

Since we have returned from China, Raven and Sharonda, Heather's little girl, have become fast friends. He loves to go over to her house after school and play tag.

It's Raven birthday! He wanted a big party, so we invited all of our friends. Sharonda cheered him on as he blew out the candles.

Ruby Broke played her guitar, and Doreen and Max's brother Travis kept the beat. I saw Max beckon his dad away from the crowd. I could tell by the expression on Max's face that he is up to something. He and Luke whispered animatedly for a long time. I wonder what they are planning?

Raven looks more and more like his Uncle Travis every day. He's even started wearing his hair the same way.

Raven is such a good boy. As he's grown older, he has developed a neat streak! He insisted on washing up all the dishes for his own party.

That was quite the party! I was exhausted afterward, so grandma Ginny stayed to take care of Rose, so I could get some sleep.

Awww.. I was so caught up in Raven's party, I forgot it was Rose's birthday, too! Luckily, grandma Ginny remembered. She has my hair and eyes.

The last few days Max has been out to his dad's farm more times than I can count, and yesterday afternoon he and Luke were out in the back here, pointing and gesturing until after dark. Max didn't come to bed until really late. They were most definitely up to something big.
This morning as soon as I woke up, he took my hand. "Close your eyes!" he ordered. He started to lead me out in to the grass. "Don't peek! Promise?" I promised. "Okay, you can open them now!"
I opened my eyes, and gasped in surprise.

"Happy Birthday, Sunny!" I was in awe. "You did all this last night? Oh Max, I love it! It's so beautiful. And so many sunflowers!" I kissed him passionately.
"Well, my dad and Travis helped. The flowers came from their farm. I'm really glad you like it." His smile simply lit up his face.

Later I showed Max just how muched I loved him.

Max had stocked my pond with fish! I had always wanted to learn to fish, but it was so hard to get away when there were little ones about. Now my garden will have super fertilizer.

Little Rose is so smart! She figured out the logic blocks in no time at all, and learned to talk practically on her own. But so serious! She hardly ever smiles; she is too busy trying to learn all she can.

Today Rose fell while learning to walk, and skinned her knee. But she didn't even cry! Such a brave little girl.

I wasn't about to forget little Rose's birthday again. We invited the usual crowd. She is so cute, blowing out her own candle. She likes to do everything herself.

Raven thought I wasn't watching, but I saw him flirting with Sharonda at the party. Grandpa Luke rocked out with Auntie Doreen.

Our little house is growing just like our family. We added a front room, and another bedroom.

But Max and I still like our "hedge-room". We added some groundcover, a tree, and of course, sunflowers!

One day Max came home from work looking very serious. "Sunny, my commander is sending me on another mission. I can't take you along, it'll be dangerous. Top secret investigation."
"Can you tell me where at least?" I asked, worried.
"Egypt," Max replied. "I'll be looking for something called mummitomium. And of course investigating the black helicopters. My superiors want me to try and document ancient alien invasions."

Max held me tight, then he was gone.

Max was on his own in Egypt, camping out in the desert.

At least he was given decent transportation. The military provided an all-wheel-drive truck.

Max never said much about that trip, only that it was "harrowing." When I tried to ask him if he found anything, he only pressed a finger to my lips and whispered,"Top secret."

Max was home! Rose was the first one to greet him, running out and flying into his arms. "Oh, daddy, I missed you so much!"

Then she grew suddenly serious, and gave him a proper salute. Max didn't say anything, but I could tell he was moved.

Whatever he did in Egypt earned him officer status. I am so proud of him.